Last Friday I completed the UMIO training program for aspiring members of a Supervisory Board and officially earned my certification. This journey has been an eye-opener, offering me some invaluable insights and reigniting my passion for effective governance and oversight.
For the past year and a half, I’ve been dedicated to this intensive program. UMIO, known for its expertise in management and organization, really prepared me for the vital role of a supervisor in modern organizations. Through deep-dive modules, interactive sessions and stimulating discussions, I’ve gained a deeper understanding of what it takes to tackle the responsibilities and challenges that come with being a a member of a Supervisory Board.
This whole program has really broadened my perspectives. It's armed me with a sharper outlook on governance, risk management and compliance. It’s like it fine-tuned my decision-making skills and handed me the tools to evaluate and support strategic directions like a pro.
Thank you Leo Urlings from Supervisie Limburg, Mariette van Wingerden-Groenink from Bestuurderscentrum and Rogier Deumes from Maastricht University/UMIO for setting up this magnificent program.
So, with this fresh chapter in my career, I'm all set to put my newfound knowledge and skills into action as a supervisor. I'm particularly keen on roles in the cultural, educational or healthcare sectors, where my love for culture, education, health and knack for effective governance can all come together.
I genuinely believe that these sectors play a vital role in our society. And I’m a big advocate for the incredible power of culture and education to enrich lives and strengthen communities. I’m eager to pitch in and lend my skills to organizations that are all about these noble goals.
That’s why I’m reaching out - let’s connect! As a certified supervisor, I’m geared up to bring my skills, experience, and dedication to an organization that’s committed to top-notch governance and making a positive impact on society.
I'm all fired up for new challenges and the chance to contribute to the success and growth of an organization dedicated to cultural and educational enrichment. So if you know about a suitable vacancy as a supervisor, please feel free to contact me!
Thanks in advance!
